First of all, you will be warmly welcomed. All visitors are our guests and we rejoice that you chose to worship with us. Your presence will bring joy to our assembly and worship. We will want to know your name, where you are from, and what has brought you to be with us today. We are not trying to be nosy, we’re just glad to greet and meet you.

Secondly, our worship service is patterned after the example of the New Testament church. We will sing (without musical instruments—Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). We will pray as instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-3. We will share communion with our Savior in the Lord’s Supper each Sunday (Matthew 26:20-30; 1 Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:17-34; Acts 20:7). This certainly is a highlight of our worship and praise as we remember the grace of God in Christ and proclaim our faith in Him as our Savior who died for us. We will also take up a collection from the members in like fashion to the example in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. We will also set aside time for a sermon or word of exhortation (Acts 20:7; 2 Timothy 4:1). According to the teaching of 1 Corinthians 14 that all things be done orderly, therefore, in obedience to verses 34-35 these will all be led by men in the congregation. Our entire service usually lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Following the sermon there will be an invitation song when anyone may respond and ask for teaching, baptism, forgiveness, restoration, or prayer. Following the closing prayer we will make some announcements of upcoming events and points of interest. Please feel free to visit with us afterward. On one Sunday each month we have a potluck fellowship meal after morning worship. We also gather for worship on Sunday evenings (this is not a repeat of the morning service, but another opportunity to gather together). Sometimes it has preaching, a song service, a prayer service, or a Bible study. We offer the Lord’s Supper each time we meet on Sunday and everyone partakes. On the Sundays we have a fellowship meal after the morning service (usually the 2nd Sunday of the month, call the church office to confirm) we do not meet in the evening. We also have small group Bible studies during the week (again, call the church office for times and places).

We hope that you will come and worship with us soon. We love meeting brethren for new places as they travel to D.C. to see the nation’s capital, visit family, or just passing through. We also enjoy meeting new faces from the community whether you have been here a while or just moved to town.


10:00 AM

Sunday Bible Classes

11:00 AM

Sunday Morning Worship



Balls Bluff Elementary School

821 Battlefield Parkway NE Leesburg, VA


(703) 444-5860
PO Box 3177
Leesburg, VA. 20176
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